Reggae Jam Festival 2011 – record breaking fundraiser

Once again, the Reggae Jam Festival in Bersenbrück left us speechless! The festival was such a joy and additionally a really great success for HELP Jamaica! Millions of thanks to Sheriff, the promoter, for a donation of another 5.000,- €!!!
You believed in us and our idea from the start and it makes us proud that with the support of people like you, we opened the Education Center in Cassava Piece this year February! Big up to the whole Reggae Jam family! It is a pleasure working with you, your hospitality and support knows no borders!

Big up Ganjaman and Mattia (Warrior Sound) for promoting us continually on the stage. Big up Ephraim Juda for collecting donations during the set! We wish to thank the Nippes Yard Productions and Reggaeville video teams and all photographers who helped and donated their time, all artists and sounds who showed interest and promised their support and took part in our video clip, the Reggae Jam security-crew who respected and supported our work backstage and of course all the people who supported HELP Jamaica! with their donations, their cups, by purchasing a Skank ’Gullyside College’ Shirt and with heir encouragement and compliments! Thank you all – it is good to know that so many wonderful people share our vision! Together we can really make it! Education for a Change!

Due to the cooperation with the Reggae Jam and all the great opportunities they offered us, we were able to additionally fundraise 5.100,- € by collecting the deposit (beer) cups, by cash donations and at our info-booth on the festival ground. The HELP Jamaica!-team says big up and thanks to Sheriff and the whole Reggae Jam Family for the ‘unbelievable’ amount of more than 10.000,- €!!