The 2011 – 2012 school year is already proving to be a special year. We have put all plans in place for the new and old children. Additional volunteer locally and internationally have already fall in line to visit and assist in our breathtaking work here at the HELP Jamaica! Education Center.
We are so proud of the different courses we offer here at the center. Our class sizes have only double in the second week of September 2011 as more adults and teens are now hearing about the different programme and courses that we offer.
We welcome all our new teaching volunteers for the course as they have contributed tremendous to this wonderful project over the past two weeks. Ms. Wanliss our English teacher and a gifted poet and story writer have proved herself to be committed to HELP Jamaica! and she spends hours here daily reading to children. Mr. Morrison and Ms. Miller joined our team and are two young gifted people from the community of Cassava Piece and are now trained educators. They want to contribute to their community development and what better way to do so but through the HELP Jamaica! Education Center.