Ribbon Cut Ceremony for our second class room

Thanks to another generous grant by the German Embassy in Jamaica we were able to expand our Education Center with another class room.
Due to the steadily increasing number of children and adults attending our classes, we had a high demand on more space and truly appreciated the opportunity given. After the quick construction period of only six days in December 2011, team members, volunteer supporters and even some of the kids worked hand in hand to move on with the further steps such as the floor, doors and windows and painting. The final coat was given to the class room by our friends from Hillel Academy, who worked together with the Center’s artist Tamar Lewis on giving it a cozy ‘living room look’ with painted curtains, book shelves and sun flowers.

On March 27 we were finally ready to cut the ribbon and to introduce the new facility to our supporters, visitors and of course, the children, who had the greatest joy discovering the details. Counsellor of the German Embassy, Michael Kroener, was among the guests and opened the door together with Directors Birte Timm and Hilmar Keding, as well as our new manager Virgina Chin.


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