HELP Jamaica! and Rotary Club joining forces

HELP Jamaica! and Rotary Club joining forces to spread free CXC classes all over Jamaica.

One of the most popular offers at the Center are the daily CSEC-CXC Preparation Courses in the evenings, with more than 243 adults enrolled presently; studying Mathematics, English and Social Studies. CXC (Carribean Examination Council) certificates open a wide field of job opportunities as it is a Caribbean wide accepted examination. The popularity and overcrowding of our free CXC preparation classes for adults and students at the Center verifies the high demand and necessity of these courses in inner-city communities. That is why we are now trying to give the opportunity to more and more communities across Jamaica.

This is a true milestone for HELP Jamaica! as we always wanted to spread free educational programs into communities all over the island and not only serve for one community and its surrounding.

With the support of the Rotary Club of Palatine, Illinois (USA) as a generous donor we made a first step in September 2015 and started to offer CXC preparation classes in the community of Bushy Park, St. Catherine.
We partnered with the Spring Village Development Foundation as the local host for the daily courses. More than 200 (!) persons signed in for the English and Math Classes in Spring Village. Due to the high number of enrollment – classes were divided into basic and advanced level and waiting lists for next classes to start in the future are already opened.
Just as in Cassava Piece at our own Education Center, the high demand and popularity of these educational programs is just overwhelming and testifies to the urgent needs.

With more supporters to join the initiative we are aiming to spread free CXC preparation classes island wide! If you want to support your community with free CXC courses – get in touch with us.