The Festival Season 2015

The Festival Season started with the Summerjam Festival in Cologne – we give thanks for the support over the past years. Once more the Festival was collecting for HELP Jamaica! at the guestlist and donated the amount of 1425,65 EUR.

The next Festival was the Reggae Jam Festival in Bersenbrueck which not only collected at the guestlist as usual and donated 1385,91 EUR, but gave us the chance to collect deposit cups and organise a very successful tombola/raffle on the mainstage. This year the Reggae Jam also helped us to raise awareness by having a new ‘HELP Jamaica! Beach Club’ area in front of the dancehall-tent. Unfortunately the Festival was hit and interrupted by a major storm this year, causing the new area to shut down from Saturday morning due to security issues – but the HELP Jamaica! team and our info-tent survived the storm and apart from the weather it was another great weekend full of family vibes.

With the Festival Season being in full swing, just the following weekend it was the Reggae Geel Festival.
Reggae Geel is the biggest and one of the oldest Reggae Festival in Europe (founded 1978!) and a strong HELP Jamaica! supporter for the last two years!  We set up our info-tent and spreaded our banners and posters all over the place! Backstage, Front Stage, Dancehall Tent. Chairman and Co-Founder Hilmar Keding did a interview on stage, explaining the project and raising awareness for HELP Jamaica!
The Festival collected at the guestlist and gave us percentage of the selling of the Marley’s Mellow Mood Drinks on the Festival ground on top, donating a very generous overall sum of 4500,- EUR towards HELP Jamaica! Big Up, absolutely great Festival, full of vibes and support! We already counting days, looking forward to next years staging!

Million thanks from the HELP Jamaica! team to all three Festivals. We could not do the work in Kingston without strong and dedicated supporters like you!