Reggae Jam Festival 2019

Thanks to Sheriff & his wonderful Team, HELP Jamaica! experienced another wonderful Reggae Jam Festival with successful fundraising activities, great fun and lots of positive energy!

After the Festival we received a donation of 1586,67 EUR coming from this years guestlist donations! Big up & thanks to each and all who donated at the guestlist!

As usual at the Festival weekend the local church collected funds for HELP Jamaica! during the regular sunday service, but this year was bigger (400-500 guests!) and better, thanks to an ecumenical service and the live appearance from Ganjaman. Thanks to Pastor Kuhlmann and Pastor Witte, to Ganjaman for spreading love and great vibes (he got the churchgoers up from their rows and start dancing within the church (!) and also thanks to HELP Jamaica! member Annina for introducing HELP Jamaica!’s work to the audience in the church.

Special shoutout to Joanna for organising the guestlist donations, to the stage hosts Ganjaman, Dr Ring Ding and D-Flame for supporting HELP Jamaica! and pushing awareness about all our activities, to all patrons who visited our yellow info-booth and supported and last but definately not least to the big man himself: Sheriff!

Big up & Thanks for the dedicated and generous support and great hospitality from day one. Reggae Jam & HELP Jamaica! spells F.A.M.I.L.Y.! See you in 2020!
Education For A Change!