Summer School Program 2016
In general Summer School again accommodated over 78 children daily. Activities were held Mondays through Fridays for the duration of 3 weeks. Different Workshops and various music-, craft & art-, sport- and leisure activities were part of the daily offerings.
Integral in the success of the planned sessions for the “Summer Bounce” were: Rural Agriculture Development Agency – (RADA), Social Development Commission (SDC), Jamaica Red Cross Office of Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management (ODPEM) and Jamaica 4-H Clubs, as well as the Craft and Art Workshops was held by – Mr. Garcia, Mrs. Shana Campbell and Mr. Tobean Walters.
Lunches and snacks were provided daily, which were donated by Cal’s Distributors, Grace Kennedy, Ms. Sandra Goulbourne, Ms. Judith Wedderburn, Derrimon Trading and Uptown Wholesale of Cassava Piece.
As usual we made a trip to the CVVS Games which was great excitement!
Team HELP Jamaica! gained 9 Gold Medals and 1 Silver. We won both relay competitions we entered (boys and girls). We were 82 strong from the HELP Jamaica! organization incorporating adults and children and other older members of the Cassava Piece Community for the Football segment of the games. Two JUTC buses were used as transportation to and from the games which everyone enjoyed. Breakfast and Lunch was donated by the CVSS for all participating athletes.