Charity Football Event in Finland

Last weekend Hilmar had the pleasure to fly to Finland (of course on his own costs 😉 and play a Charity Football Match in support of HELP Jamaica!.

The game and organisation was a blast. Kiitos aka Big Up & Thanks to JÓJ SOUND, Selecta Miinuspuoli, Jari & Veera for the organisation and hospitalty, to all the generous sponsors, all who participated or came out for the charity game and of course last but not least to all who donated and supported us over the weekend. Personal thanks to all the beautiful souls i met during my trip, who made it such a wonderful and succesful weekend.

We were able to fundraise the overall sum of: 1351,77 EUR (!) with the help of sponsors and private donations. Kiitos!

Generous sponsors were:
Azerbaijanin Mäkimaajoukkue, Joj Sound, Sininen Hetki, Isojoen Taksipalvelu, Taksi Tampere, Liuttu Logistiikka Oy, It’s Pure Tampere Keskustori, Soundville Brewing, Tampereen kaupunki, Liikuntapalvelut.